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Outofsyllabus Pok

POK: The Future of Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir

Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (POK) is a politically sensitive area that has been under Pakistan’s control for decades. Pakistan occupies nearly 78,000 square kilometers of Indian territory in Jammu and Kashmir, and it has also ceded 5,180 square kilometers to China. Recently, following the abrogation of Article 370 in J&K by the Indian Government, there have been numerous anti-Pakistan slogans and riots by the people of POK against the Pakistani government. This raises the important question: Has Pakistan lost its grip on POK, and will POK become part of India soon? Let’s find out.


At the time of partition on 15th August 1947, the then king of J&K, Raja Hari Singh, had two options: to join either India or Pakistan. However, the king refused both options and chose to be an independent state. This proposal was rejected by Mountbatten, who asked Hari Singh to choose between the two options. The king decided to stick with his decision. In response, Pakistan imposed numerous restrictions on J&K, such as cutting food supplies, electricity, roads, and railway networks, ultimately declaring war on J&K on 27th October 1947. Raja Hari Singh approached the Indian Government for help, and India agreed to assist, provided the king signed the “Instrument of Accession” with India. However, Pakistan considered the Instrument of Accession to be fraudulent and never accepted it. India approached the UN for resolution, but the UN council for India and Pakistan did not heed either country and divided J&K into two territories, separated by the Line of Control (LOC). This is how POK was formed. Today, POK is controlled by Pakistan and is divided into two regions called Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir.


Pakistan has been facing an extreme economic crisis recently. In 2022, its GDP was estimated to be $6.6 billion, with a per capita income of $1,512. Approximately 29% of the population is estimated to be undernourished, which is much higher than the national average of 19.9%. Since the abrogation of Article 370, J&K has seen numerous improvements in various aspects. Terrorism has drastically reduced, investments are on the rise, tourism has boomed, and employment is being created. On the other hand, the people of POK are protesting against the increase in wheat prices and high electricity tariffs. They are demanding integration with India and are raising slogans against the Pakistani government.


The history of J&K is a complex affair filled with numerous strategies and misunderstandings. Today, Pakistan is struggling with economic revival and is under an all-time high level of debt from other countries. Consequently, the people of POK are against the Pakistani government. We all hope that in the near future, POK will be fully integrated into India, and that day may not be very far away.

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